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February 2020 MINUTES

February 18, 2020


a)     British Car Club

b)     Cave Ratz Rod Car Club

c)     Rogue Valley Old Timers Car Club (RVOTCC)

d)     Ruined Car Club

2)      We went over what SOCCC’s about

a)      SOCCC is a Car Club Council created to unite the area clubs, its people and the events.

b)      We are NOT a club. Just a neutral ground for ALL CAR CLUB information

c)      We have created this neutral ground to show when some car shows are and to support car clubs in our area, including charities. We all enjoy cars, no matter the make or year


3)      SOCCC would like to have some clubs included in some events this year, recognizing SOCCC and the individuals car clubs – We’ll go over more next month -

a)      We agreed on sponsoring a trophy or two for the Medford Cruise

i)        Arleen will get more details of what this intels

ii)       Arleen Parker – Jessie Kygan – Rich Riddle  will decide the details

b)      Be included in the Pear Blossom Parade

i)        Will need $ and a list of attendees from each car club

(1)    We may only need one car per club, pending how many clubs want to join possibly two cars

(2)    Each club will need to bring own car club sign


c)       Possible Trunk or Treat / Trunk Swap Meet

i)        Any other ideas or thought?

ii)       Trunk or Treat

(1)    Give out candy to children from our trunks

(2)    Possibly asking adults for donations at this time (for a specific charity/Vocational or skill school program)

iii)     Trunk Swap Meet

(1)    Sell items from trunk

(a)    Can either donate proceeds to charity (or Vocational or skill school program) or sell items then ask for donations (??)


4)      SOCCC Rules will be posted on the Facebook and Website.

a)      Our Facebook site is open to any person(s) in any club. No investigation upon the clubs before approval


5)      SOCCC Banners

a)      Are more needed?

b)      Ashlee will find more information for next meeting


6)      This next year (12 months’ worth) our meeting place has been graciously paid for by our members / clubs. THANK YOU:

a)      541 Outlaws - Better Car Shows LLC - British Car Club

b)      CASO – Contemporary Auto of Southern Oregon

c)       Cave Ratz Car Club - Familia Unida - Rogue Valley Corvettes

d)      Rogue Valley Mustangs - Southern Oregon Corvettes

e)      Southern Oregon Mopar

f)       And everyone else who has paid for the rooms previously – Ashlee – Dan – David- Ron


7)      Medford Rod & Custom Show April 18-19

a)      Still needing some volunteers –approx. 2 hour shifts

i)        2-3 people for set up  -  Security  -  Manning the VIP room

b)      Meeting start in 1-2 weeks for this event

c)       Please ask your clubs and get back to SOCCC or Rich Wilson


8)      Ruined Mafia Car Show April 25

a)      All proceeds go to heart with a mission.

b)      9AM Set up  -  $15 per car


9)      Gold Dust Day June 6th 2020

a)      Flyers were given out, please let Ashlee know if more are needed. She can also send the document through email


10)   Fabulous 50’s July 24th through 27th

a)      They will have a Model car – car show

i)        Rogue Valley Classic Cruisers will be bringing their model cars

ii)       Please bring out your children to check it out

iii)     If any child is interested in binging their models cars please contact RVCC


11)   CALL OUT! 541 Outlaws are wanting to set up a fun event

a)      They’d like 5 cars from each car club to show up for a race

b)      Location is at the track – No date yet – more info coming soon


12)   SOCCC Website


b)      The list of events is up on the site. Please let Ashlee know of any changes, mistakes, or additions


13)   Next Meeting for SOCCC

a)      March 17th

b)      At Baci’s in Rogue River.

c)       Please only have 1-2 Representative(s) from your club, we are a growing council.

d)      AND DON’T FORGET to bring any car event flyers to hand out to the other members

January 2020 Minutes: Team Sports

©2019 - 2025 by Southern Oregon Car Club Council. 

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