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June 20th 2019

June’s Meeting Minutes

  1. A couple clubs need assistance with a couple car shows

    1. Friendship Meet hosted by Contemporary Autos of Southern Oregon

      1. Held at Lost Creek Lake June 30th

      2. Registration is at 06:30- 12:00 Event starts at 8AM

      3. They need assistance with parking cars (starting 6AM) then will need a relief team to relieve the ones that has been there since the early morning (roughly at 8:15-8:30)

      4. Needing people to help “judge” all the different classes for the trophys

      5. Is hoping all the car club members can see if their members have any items/services to ‘donate’ for the raffle

  1. Blues, Brews, & BBQs

    1. Held at Tom Pierce Park Grants Pass September 14th

    2. Event is from 1:00PM to 7:00PM

    3. They need cars to show up!

    4. It’s a free event (Park charges $5 and if you want to purchase a brews/bbq ticket it’s $25)

      1. Proceeds go to the Animal Shelter

    5. There will be trophys

    6. Please bring this event up in your next club meeting and get some cars to show

      1. It would be nice if someone from the club reaches out to David Christensen to let him know if anyone will be showing

  1. SOCCC decided to keep the original logo for any/all letter heads

    1. If anyone or any club needs any items sent snail mail, you can email the SOCCC email and we’ll get it out


  1. SOCCC T-Shirts

    1. If any shirts are made, we decided to keep the original SOCCC logo on the front and possible the person’s car club name/logo on the back

  1. SOCCC Goals & examples

    1. Club Support

      1. Support other clubs with involvement, volunteering, bringing cars, etc

    2. Club Communication

      1. Go over club events and work around each other so there isn’t overlapping events

      2. Communication with sharing event information & services that assist within the event

    3. Club Community Involvement

      1. Benefit shows that support community

      2. Try to get a younger crowd involved so the car show continues on for years to come

  1. PLEASE ask your club members for any input on any goals they’d like to see for SOCCC

  1. Next Car Show coming up FRIENDSHIP MEET

    1. June 30th 2019

    2. There will be a meeting spot at Rainies Market in Sams Valley at 7:00AM

    3. If clubs want to cruise all in together, club by club, this will be the meet spot and time.

  1. Don’t’ forget about the SOCCC website

    1. If you see ANYTHING or have ANY QUESTION please email

  1. CAR CLUB SPOT LIGHT! The 541 Outlaws show raised $4000. They generously donated a lump sum of $500 to the BMX Bike Company that was recently broken into.  They are also planning on helping a High School band and looking into some scholarships to help fund. Thanks for your generousity.

  2. SOCCC Members. Please bring any/all Car Show event flyers to the SOCCC meetings, especially your own Club events to hand out to the other clubs. A digital copy is also appreciated if you have one.

  3. It was brought up that not everyone was aware of the SOCCC Facebook Group “Southern Oregon Car Club Council”. Please ask your club members to join this group.  They will each need to answer the questions before being accepted.

  4. After each meeting, the minutes will be emailed to all Council Admins and the minutes will also be posted on the website.

  5. Don’t Forget!!  ALL Car Club BBQ Sep 28th 

    1. The 541 Outlaws will be cooking up the meat that you bring.  Bring your meat and a side dish.

    2. Location: Tom Pierce Park ($5 park entry) in Grants Pass 11am to Dusk.

    3. Dave Christensen will be getting more information about how much it cost to reserve the same area as last year and to book the date/time

  1. Next SOCCC Meeting JULY 18TH at Wild River Pub in Grants Pass

June 2019 Minutes: Team Sports

©2019 - 2025 by Southern Oregon Car Club Council. 

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